Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Well I been a Blogger for only a few days and I have already been asked to blog on a specific topic. I tell you the sweet smell of success is ever present in the air. Hardly started and the demand for my opinions and thoughts is almost overwhelming. OK a bit overstated but take it wherever you can get it as far as I am concerned.

A young lady (Eden) I have the pleasure of working with would like our opinion on the trucks that carry Fish. I must admit I have wondered about the subject before on my own. Actually her request was not about the trucks themselves but on why they have a sign on them that say F I S H. It makes sense that trucks that carry hazardous material would say hazardous material as it is hazardous material and we should be aware of it. It would be helpful if those trucks that carry, say illegal aliens, would say illegal aliens. It would make it a lot easier for The Border Patrol to find them if they start looking more often. In the future we might insist that trucks that carry terrorists coming to blow us up would be labeled T E R R O R I S T S so we might run for our lives.

But why F I S H???? I have imagined that it might spoil faster and therefore the folks who unload it would certainly want to do it faster than say a truck that had, paper towels, laundry soap, brooms, mops etc, the list must be endless. But Eden (she is very smart) asks, and is on the mark by the way, why trucks would not need to be labeled, Chicken, Beef, Milk, etc. Do those foods not spoil and need to be dealt with? If I were unloading trucks I would hate to think I was unloading a truck that I thought was full of bottled water only to find a truck load of smelly gross spoiled Chickens!!!

My goodness Eden you might have just asked the question that can’t be answered. If anyone truly knows, please give us the answer or any helpful comments. Oh Yes I forgot to mention if you want to post a comment just click on comments at the bottom of this message, it is easy and who knows you might just win the prize.

More to come,



Tim Hirtle said...

I've always wondered why yougurt which is essentially already soured milk has an expiration date? What happens when yogurt expires?

Tim H.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm actually responding to this......even more so, I'm embarrassed that I've spent so much time researching this FISH subject, but here goes!

According to a trucker on the web who has spent many years hauling perishable goods in refrigerated boxes,
trucks hauling fish are required to be especially identified because
of the danger of cross contamination if the containers are used for
other products, as well as odor control and other safety/hygienic
issues. She said the FDA regulates this, as they do other food
labeling/identifcation issues, and truckers hauling fish are subject
to inspection by the FDA as well as the normal DOT authorities, and
having the boxes labeled "FISH" facilitates this.

I also found that the Texas Parks and Wildlife can fine a fish vehicle that is not properly marked.
Scroll down to "Fish Dealers".

There you go Mr. Coffey. Do what you will with this useless information!
