Wednesday, March 12, 2008


One of the definitions of a Blog might be a bunch of stuff written by a non writer that really has not much to do with anything except an opinion that falls on the ears of few and matters in fact to fewer. So a Blog Blog would be a multiple of that definition if you were into defining things. Some would say a Blog is like a diary of ones happenings and goings on so today you can choose one of the above definitions or choose anything else you like.

I was sitting in The Rail Head Restaurant at Montgomery and I30 yesterday and I was shaken out of my chair when a large explosion rocked the place. I thought something in the kitchen had blown up but actually an older gentleman had backed his car through the wall (I think it was a Town Car) and into the serving line. No one was hurt and if you saw the piece on the news it was reported that several people had to dive for their lives. No one was hurt luckily and from my perspective my day got less exciting after that. The old gentleman looked dazed after the accident and my guess he was dazed before the accident.

I was regrettably out of gas yesterday (in more ways than one I admit) and had the real pleasure of getting hosed at the gas pump. I will tell you I think we are in for a long line of getting hosed with the current trend of the speculators of oil. I keep looking for the upside for the consumer. The traders drive the price up and we have to buy the stuff no matter what. To me this seems like the perfect crime. I asked my X oil buddy Tommy what he thought about it and he theorized it was an attempt by one political party to overthrow the sentiment of the public so they would blame the other party so the vote would go the first groups’ way. Another theory is that the world is using oil like a currency now and with the declining value of the dollar so goes oil prices. I guess choose whatever theory you want and while you do don’t forget to bend over.

According to other news the FBI is investigating 14 other lenders along with Countrywide. This will probably turn into the mass incrimination of anyone associated with the sub prime melt down. I am glad I am not Countrywide. All the big banks will be exposed along with a lot of others before this is over.

Enough for today, I think I will head off to The Rail Head for Coffee this morning and see if I can get my day started off correctly.

More to come


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a very simple solution to $110 per barrell oil. Announce that we intend to drill in every nook and crany available and the snail darters will have to look after themselves. You won't have to spud a well. The speculators will drop out like flies. Seriously, other than drilling we only have to invoke a progressive tax on imported oil. Unlike what you think, it will tax an amount for each dollar below a set price amount.
One of the largest deterants to developing alternate fuels is the Opec beast. If a we work toward developing either a new source for oil or a type of enaergy, thye drop the price to nothing so that that alternative will be non-competitive. If we tax any imported oil sold below $45 dollars adding a tax to stabilize the minimum to $45 per barrell, we would be free of the oil yoke in pretty short order. Opec lowers price to $25, we tax it back to $45so that the fledling industry can continue to grow. So simple even a polotician can do it.