Monday, February 4, 2008


You may have noticed that I have been a little non consistent in my posts of late. Really short of turning this into a diary I am looking for something different in the mortgage news or in my personal travels that might be worth blogging about. I am not finding much of late except the status quo seems to be the status quo. My home computer died and we did not ever back it up. Don't make that mistake as I did. My hard drive with years of stuff is gone and can't be recovered for less than $2000.00. OUCH!!

I had a nightmare the other night that Bill Clinton was in fact our new first lady. I woke up with a knife in my hand pressed against my neck screaming it can't be so!!! I guess something could be worse but I can't imagine what. That would be my opinion of course.

I listened to a conservative radio talk show host in the metroplex the other morning go on and on about us part time bloggers who thought we were writers and without really having a clue. That certainly hit close to home.

With all that said be patient, I am convinced there is:

More to come


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