Friday, January 25, 2008


Well lets see whats new. It could be the...., no, that is really the same ole crap, and oh yes there is......, no that isn't really that new. Well surely there must be something I have another remarkable opinion on. Lets see, the government is solving the immigration problem, no that's not it, well the mortgage market crash is reversing itself, I am not sure about that but all the politicians have really done some wonderful things to fix the probelm. I can't believe I even said that. Oh yes and there are the politicians that have quit campaigning and telling us what they think we are dumb enough to believe and have started telling us the truth. Well that sure as hell ain't happening. Gosh then whats new???

Oh my God I just heard on the news that the New York Times have picked Hillary as the Democrats choice for President. Someone quick take the knife from my hand this may be more than I can take, death would be a better alternative I think. 4 to 8 more years of Bill God help us all.

Whew I think I am ok now. Where was I? Oh yes. Is it just me or is the news a bit of a so what these days? The media predicted the stock market crash the other day and it didn't happen. What it did do is to convince the fed to lower rates by .75%. I guess that is why they did it, I really am not sure. What else it did was to put the financial markets in a spin that have wreaked havoc for the past two days in about everything. For the record mortgage rates yesterday were higher than they were when the fed lowered the rates. Oh yes, the oil markets decided to convince us a couple of weeks ago that oil prices were headed no where but up and allowed the oil companies to steal more of our money. A couple of days ago I heard the supplies were up and that oil should be at 75 per barrel in the near future. You don't have to wonder who's full of BS cause everyone is on that issue at least. Don't worry our political leaders will figure it out. Whatever.

There is an economic stimulus package being discussed that would send most of us some money. Oh boy some free money to pay for more energy increases, I'm pumped. It includes some higher loan amounts for mortgages which make sense but should have been done a long time ago because it makes sense to do that anyway. I would bet at least even money that still does not get passed and that could really help some people. The mortgage mess is somewhere in the middle of fixing itself I think. It is still and will be bad for a mass of people. Hillary wants to freeze rates on sub prime loans and must not have a clue that the government should really not supersede contracts on existing debt. I am sure she might have a clue, but she is trying to get elected and has big Bill to overcome. She will say or do anything to get elected in my opinion. Don't you just want to puke when you have to look at Bill?

So whats happening??? Same ole crap looks to me like!!!

More to come


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