Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I was doing some light reading this morning and ran across an article in the LA Times. I think it is a good read as it describes the results of industries allowed to run wild with no supervision. I am in no way in favor of more or bigger government but as the mortgage crisis deepens and the extent of the predatory lender becomes more evident, you have to wonder. Bigger government no, more effective government yes. Big business has run over the consumer, greed and no ethics are the root cause and the extent of the carnage is still to be discovered.

The article is good, read this one.


If you do or don't agree let me hear from you.

More to come


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sounding like a broken record, but our government is comprised of whores and pimps who are looking out for no one but themselves. They provide services for those who put money in their pockets. Who can afford to put the money in those pockets? I suspect the big money people running the Enrons, Tycos, et al. We do need effective representative government.